Why escape either into the truth as absolute or the truth as relative, when truth is not divided? when who I am cannot be apart from what I have been called? when what I wish to get to cannot not be the place from which I am trying to get there?
Possibly, we can see all this as a dance the play happening within reality and honor the misadventure as part of the adventure a way Grace urges us toward Grace, while being the Grace that is already here doing the urging.
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Possibly, at times we are resting in who we are absolutely cherishing we are I am with everyone honoring our universality
Possibly, at other times we are resting in who we are relatively cherishing this human identity honoring our particularity
Possibly, at times we are simply resting naturally grateful to Life for life and the blessings given along the way
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As human beings, we each unfold over time, we cannot not for all is in movement, all nature is developmental. A tree is process, a cloud is process, we are all in-process. There is no problem with taking the journey to a destination, one that deepens our experience of the absolute, especially as most persons are socialized into a full identity with the relative. Yet, if we follow the wisdom, we will find, thankfully, what we have come to know more intimately by following, we have known and been known by all along the way. We will know and be able to affirm, "I cannot not be who I am." We will know we are I am, not simply I am I am. That some feel a need to take this journey and engage practices of faith, or spirituality, is simply the urge to realize in the human form, the relative self, the truth. One can come to realize spiritual practice is simply that ~ not to get anything, only to sensitize the self to the truth, then to celebrate the truth.
Few will enjoy a True Face, beyond his or her face, unless he or she goes deeply, over time, into his or her face.
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